Trust Us with Your Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security

Formerly the founding team from Gigya (acquired by SAP in 2017), we have decades of experience in Identity Management. Privacy, security, and data protection are the foundation of our business at OwnID.

We're built for enterprise-level reliability, scalability for high traffic peaks, real-time redundancy, and a 99.99% uptime SLA guarantee.

Privacy and Security

Security Infrastructure

OwnID’s security infrastructure is designed to provide comprehensive protection for user data and system integrity.
Data Encryption
All data transmitted between OwnID servers and user devices is encrypted using industry-standard methods (HTTPS, SHA-256 ECDSA).
Customer data at rest is encrypted with 256-bit AES, ensuring high-level protection against unauthorized access.
All customer data remains hosted in your internal servers, not on OwnID servers.
Rigorous Access Controls
OwnID implements strict access controls based on least-privilege principles, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.
Regular access reviews and unique user identifiers prevent unauthorized access and ensure accountability.
Rigorous Access Controls
OwnID conducts regular internal risk assessments, penetration testing, and adherence to ISO 27001 and SOC2 Type II standards.
Continuous monitoring of networks and systems ensures quick detection and response to potential threat

Compliance and Certifications

OwnID’s security infrastructure is designed to provide comprehensive protection for user data and system integrity.
ISO 27001 Certification
Demonstrates OwnID’s commitment to systematic and rigorous information security management.
SOC2 Type II Audits
Annual audits by third-party auditors verify OwnID’s compliance with stringent data security and privacy standards.
NIST Guidelines
Compliance with NIST guidelines ensures that OwnID’s security practices meet high industry benchmarks.